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National Examinations in Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, and Russian


The National Examinations in World Languages or NEWL exams are assessments in languages deemed critical in business and world relations in the 21st century. Spring 2016 offers proficiency-based examinations in speaking, listening, reading, and writing in Arabic, Chinese, Korean, and Portuguese


The NEWL exams are recommended by the College Board (whose portfolio includes the SAT and AP® exams) for students who have studied a critical language in school, lived or studied in a region where that language is widely used, or grown up in a family where that language is spoken.


NEWL scores may be submitted for placement or credit by examination purposes by entering college freshmen, or used to certify language proficiency for other educational or work-related purposes. NEWL score reports include numerical grades (1-5), analogous to Advanced Placement AP® grades, as well as four skill-specific sub-scores based on the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) proficiency scale. ACTFL and LTI are partners of American Councils in the administration of NEWL tests.


The exam is similar to AP exams (in price and grading on a 1-5 scale), but will cover additional languages in Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Portugues, and Russian. It's open to all students, and they are looking for testing sites. If your organization is interested in participating and/or being a testing site, please contact NEWL Coordinator via email (NEWL@americancouncils.org) or phone, 202-833-7522 Ext. 130. Testing Center Requirements can be found here (http://www.americancouncils.org/services/testing-and-assessment/NEWL/testing-centers).


The NEWL equivalent of the Russian assessment is currently available as the Prototype AP® Russian Exam. Address all inquiries about our Russian assessment to PrototypeAP@americancouncils.org


2016 NEWL Registration Letter: newl_2016_registration_information_03-17-16.pdf


For more information, please visit the following link:


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