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The 2014 “Supporting project for civilian organizations and academic societies abroad”

2014년도“해외 민간단체 및 학회 지원사업”공모

The Center for International Affairs(CEFIA) at AKS supports various civilian organizations and academic societies engaged in activities related to the Understanding Korea Project around the world.

The support helps the project to be rooted locally so that supporters will independently promote its goals and carry out its tasks. We would appreciate your participation. Please note the following guidelines.


○ Eligibility : Civilian organizations and academic societies aboard

○ Field

   ‐ Video clip/Visual advertisement and UCC(User created contents) related to the understanding    Korea

   ‐ Academic conference or cultural event related to the distortion of foreign textbooks and understanding Korea

   ‐ Development and application of understanding Korea materials related to Korean history, culture and society for    foreigners

※ Video clip/Visual advertisement and UCC mean all kinds of digital content which can be used as an online service.


○ Support fund : About 10,000,000 won per task, but changeable due to characteristics of the project

      ※ Applicants can apply for the project more than one.

 ○ Period of project : Sign an agreement – December 31, 2014

 ○ Deadline : March 10(Mon.) ‐ April 04(Fri.)

 ○ Submission : All applicants must submit the application, the project plan(Korean or English), and activities included resume(no specific guidelines) of the organizations and academic societies in detail via e‐mail or mail.

※ All documents above can be downloaded from the center’s homepage


○ Homepage : http://www.aks.ac.kr,  http://www.ikorea.ac.kr/korean

○ Announcement : May, 02(Fri.) 2014 (All winners will be notified individually.)

○ Contact

   ‐ Address : 323 Haogae‐ro, Bundang‐gu, Seongnam‐si, Gyeonggi‐do 463‐791

     The Academy of Korean Studies, The Center for International Affairs

   ‐ The person in charge : Chang, Ki‐hong, Division of Understanding Korea Project

   - E-mail :  ckh@aks.ac.kr


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