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EPIK(English Program in Korea) for 2012 August

admin 2012.02.29 12:10 조회 수 : 112706

- EPIK(English Program In Korea) -



The Korean Ministry of Education invites qualified candidates to apply for the English instructor positions at primary and secondary schools throughout Korea.


The EPIK, English Program In Korea, is a government sponsored program that qualified native speakers of English are always welcome to apply.


This serves as an excellent opportunity for both beginning and veteran teachers alike to build a professional teaching career while sharing knowledge and culture with students and teachers of the Republic of Korea.



  Applicants must :

• Be a citizen from a country where the primary language is English.

• Have received a Bachelor's degree in any discipline.

• Be mentally and physically healthy.

• Have a good command of the English language.

• Have the ability and willingness to adapt to Korean culture and living.


CONTRACT PERIOD : One year(yearly renewal)

  ※ Includes 8-day unpaid mandatory orientation in late Feb.



• 8 hours per day, 5 days per week

  ※ Actual class instruction hours shall not exceed 22 hours per week.

  ※ Teachers will not be required to work weekends or national holidays.



 • Salaries range from 1.8 to 2.7 million won per month

 • Free single furnished housing (utilities not included)

 • Entrance allowance (1.3 mill Won) & Settlement allowance (300,000 Won)

 • Exit allowance (1.3 mill Won)

 • Severance pay (about 1 month's salary)

 • National Health Insurance (50%)

 • Paid vacation for 18 working days

 • Free orientation


APPLICATION PERIOD: April 1 - June 1, 2012
  * Early application is preferred.



 • A completed application form

 • A copy of diploma (Apostille is necessary)

 • A sealed original transcript (not opened)

 • Two recommendation letters

* Recommender’s name, title, mailing address, telephone number, email address and relation with the applicant should be indicated on it.

 • A criminal record check (FBI level; Apostille is necessary)

 • A copy of passport photo page

 • Others (Optional; Refer to epik.go.kr)



    Korean Education Center

      2320 Massachusetts Ave. N.W.

      Washington, DC 20008

☎ 202-939-5681 


For further information, please visit the website http://epik.go.kr.

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