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National Examinations in Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, and Russian


The National Examinations in World Languages or NEWL exams are assessments in languages deemed critical in business and world relations in the 21st century. Spring 2016 offers proficiency-based examinations in speaking, listening, reading, and writing in Arabic, Chinese, Korean, and Portuguese


The NEWL exams are recommended by the College Board (whose portfolio includes the SAT and AP® exams) for students who have studied a critical language in school, lived or studied in a region where that language is widely used, or grown up in a family where that language is spoken.


NEWL scores may be submitted for placement or credit by examination purposes by entering college freshmen, or used to certify language proficiency for other educational or work-related purposes. NEWL score reports include numerical grades (1-5), analogous to Advanced Placement AP® grades, as well as four skill-specific sub-scores based on the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) proficiency scale. ACTFL and LTI are partners of American Councils in the administration of NEWL tests.


The exam is similar to AP exams (in price and grading on a 1-5 scale), but will cover additional languages in Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Portugues, and Russian. It's open to all students, and they are looking for testing sites. If your organization is interested in participating and/or being a testing site, please contact NEWL Coordinator via email (NEWL@americancouncils.org) or phone, 202-833-7522 Ext. 130. Testing Center Requirements can be found here (http://www.americancouncils.org/services/testing-and-assessment/NEWL/testing-centers).


The NEWL equivalent of the Russian assessment is currently available as the Prototype AP® Russian Exam. Address all inquiries about our Russian assessment to PrototypeAP@americancouncils.org


2016 NEWL Registration Letter: newl_2016_registration_information_03-17-16.pdf


For more information, please visit the following link:


번호 제목 날짜 조회 수
72 2017학년도 GKS 정부초청외국인 대학원 장학생 모집 공고 file 2017.02.02 1603
71 4월 15일 한국어능력시험 실시 및 원서접수 안내_1월 31일까지 file 2017.01.04 2287
70 2016 재외동포학생 동계학교 지원 안내 file 2016.11.16 4060
69 2016 하반기 사이버 한국유학박람회 개최 안내 file 2016.11.08 6868
68 TaLK(Teach and Learn in Korea) 정부초청영어봉사장학생 모집_2017년 상반기 file 2016.11.01 6440
67 버지니아외국어학술대회(FLAVA) 일정 및 한국어 세션 안내 file 2016.09.28 4355
66 2017년 교재 보급을 위한 한글학교 현황 조사 안내 file 2016.07.20 2064
65 Online Education Fair Korea 2016 file 2016.07.08 1466
64 미국내 한식 즐기기 K-food in US 2016.06.23 3580
63 2016학년도 재외동포 국내초청(모국수학)과정 3기 수강생 모집 안내 file 2016.06.23 513
62 제3회 한국어 말하기 동영상 공모전 안내 file 2016.06.08 20828
61 제46회 한국어능력시험(4월 16일 실시) 성적 증명서 출력 안내 2016.06.02 1134
60 북미한국어교육학회(AATK) 제 21회 학술대회 안내 2016.05.24 1765
59 2016 청소년 교류사업 최종 선발자 명단 공지 file 2016.05.24 847
58 ERHS 메릴랜드주 최초 공립학교 한국어 채택 기념 Dinner Show file 2016.05.05 3755
57 Fairfax High School Korean Honor Society Festival file 2016.05.04 15797
56 홈페이지 개편 알림 및 이용 안내 2016.04.25 383
55 2016년도 재미한인장학기금 장학생 선발 계획 file 2016.04.06 2540
54 재외동포 문학상 공모 안내 file 2016.03.31 491
» National Examinations in Korean recommended by College Board file 2016.03.18 11860
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