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미국내 한식 즐기기 K-food in US

KECDC 2016.06.23 13:47 조회 수 : 3416

한국을 알리고 한국문화 특히 한식을 알리는 K-food 웹사이트가 출시되었습니다.

아래 세부정보를 확인하시고,  웹사이트를 방문하여 한식 요리법, 한국 음식점, 한국 슈퍼마켓등의 정보를 즐기시기 바랍니다.



The most user friendly K-Food website has been launched.

Time to enjoy Korean Food, KFoodinUS.com

As time goes by, we can see an increased level of recognition of Korean food by the locals and the interest continues to grow in the U.S. With growing numbers, many of people would like to know Korean restaurants and Korean grocery stores by their neighbors who are curious about Korean food, even further information of Korean Food.

Therefore, we created the website KFOODinUS.com where Korean food-related topics are introduced, including Korean food recipes, Korean restaurants, and Korean grocery stores. In addition, we open K-Food Community, which are the most user friendly page. Users can make simple sign up, and post their opinions, experiences, reviews and many of things of Korean Food. We also provide the mobile application K-Food in US that can be installed on smartphones.



NOTE: Korean restaurants & Korean Food Stores Free listing submission available (Language: Korean)


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